The Investment Lawyer.
ERISA and Retirement Plan Compliance, Fiduciary Investment Due Diligence and Compliance, Domestic and Offshore Asset Protection, and Financial Advisor Oversight.​
We're not your typical law firm ...
​Fiduciary risk is the basis of our practice. We help you to understand, address and document your fiduciary compliance. Our goal is to shoulder most of your fiduciary burden, and limit the amount of time and energy that you and your colleagues have to spend on these issues. And while we have set up shop in our own little corner of the world, our reach is global.
Our practice is focused on a few sophistcated areas of law:
401(k)/Retirement Plan/Fiduciary Compliance under ERISA.
Pension Fund Investment Compliance under ERISA.
Foundation Investment Compliance under UPMIFA.
Trust Investment Compliance under UPIA.
Domestic and Offshore Asset Protection Planning.
Protection of Fiduciaries (Trustees, Board Members of Foundations, etc.).
Oversight and Due Diligence of Financial Advisors.
For a few quick list of services that we have performed for clients, click here.
You can relax ...
We are a small, boutique law firm. We do not bill for every email and phone call. We look to make your life easier, not manufacture problems. We don't tell you that the sky is falling unless it really is. And we speak with you like a friend ... a friend who just happens to have about 20 years of experience counseling individuals in high risk professions.
So who do we help?
Basically, if you have or manage investments we can help you. For example:
Personal Investors: We provide due dilgence and oversight of your financial advisor. We look for incidents of malfeasance, we draft personal investment policy statements, and we negotiate lower fees so that you keep more of what you earn.
Trusts: Unfortunately, some trustees look to generate fees by creating conflict with, between and among the beneficiaries of your trust. We can serve as a "trust protector" which functions as a guardian of the interests of your beneficiaries.
401(k) Plans: We can help to manage the fiduciary compliance of your 401(k) plan under ERISA, negotiate lower fees, and protect the personal assets of the business owners and executives responsible for the plan.
Foundation, Endowment and Pension Funds We help to manage your fiduciary compliance under UPMIFA and ERISA, draft investment policy statements, provide investment manager due diligence services, and negotiate lower fees.
High Risk Professionals: We can look to protect your assets from the claims of predatory plaintiffs and others who look to separate you from your hard-earned wealth. Offshore planning is available, but most matters can be handled effectively and efficiently in the United States.
Not everyone needs Picasso to paint their bathroom, but for business owners, key executives, physicians, professional athletes, celebrities, trustees, and those who manage 401(k) plans, pension funds, endowments or foundations, our services are invaluable.
So how do we help?
Like any great relationship, it all starts with a free conversation in a casual and informal environment. We meet. We talk. No bill. By taking the time to talk without the billable clock running, we can ensure that we fully understand your entire situation.
Once we understand your situation, we can plot a course together that may be able to:
Protect your assets from unforeseen liabilities;
Reduce your exposure to taxes;
Engage your trusted advisors to create a virtual family office; and
Organize your life.
Please call or email us to set an appointment, or to receive additional information.